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SALUS is able to meet all of your EHS training needs, in English or Spanish.   Whether you need a 30 Hour OSHA class, qualified riggers training, fall protection training, equipment training, or just about any other type of training, SALUS can assist.  

We can provide training at your facility, on your projects or at an offsite location.  We can even help create online training classes or an online training platform if you like.

SALUS can provide training cards, certifications, track training for your employees etc. 

If you need us to train your trainers, we can do that too. 



SALUS offers a whole host of inspection related services.  We can conduct compliance based inspections of project set-up, construction activities, systems, processes, culture etc.   

SALUS also developed and uses a real time evaluation tool called Project Rx that can evaluate a company's or project's safety systems / process in real time.  Project Rx is fully customizable, measures leading indicators and provides instant feedback and accountability.   One can readily see where gaps in the systems are and on the flip side, where safety efforts are being executed and implemented. 



Need someone to draft or rewrite your safety plan?   Need someone to review and update an existing plan?   SALUS offers a variety of services in drafting and writing IIPP's, EHS Manuals, Code of Safe Work Practices, EHS Policies, Silica Control Plans, Business Continuity Plans, Crisis Management Plans, Site Specific EHASP's etc. 

All plans are legally defensible, compliant and tailored to the individual company. 

If you are looking into going fully digital, SALUS can help create your safety app, interactive forms, safety tracking systems etc.



Dealing with OSHA, an OSHA citation, complaint, appeal etc?  Need an alternative access plan, variance or exemption?  Need assistance with your OSHA, EPA, or BAAQMD permits?   SALUS can assist.

We can also help your project avoid OSHA by conducting compliance inspections, reviewing your program etc. and assisting to help shore up those areas where your program may fall short. 

SALUS also can conduct a mock OSHA inspection to help your project teams understand and prepare for when things don't go as planned.   


TESTING / Monitoring

SALUS offers a whole host of industrial hygiene testing, monitoring and reporting services.   Whether you need to evaluate respirable silica, total dust, wood dust, air flow, light, noise, carbon monoxide, VOC's, confined spaces etc., SALUS can help. 

We have an extensive network of specialists who can assist you in your needs.   Let us know how we can help.   



SALUS has a safety culture evaluation that can assess a company's safety culture, management structure, leadership etc. and find gaps / blind spots where barriers to success may be occurring.   In many organizations there is often a system, process or manager / supervisor that may be unknowingly hindering success. 

Many managers and leaders have never been trained on how to successfully create and lead a safety program and SALUS can provide the training and mentoring to address these areas and work with companies to ensure those changes are properly implemented and maintained.