Dr. Dressel is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Occupational Health and Safety Technologist (OHST) and Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST).  Additionally, Dr. Dressel has extensive training, experience and certifications in numerous other areas.  His prime area of expertise is in construction activities involving numerous industries but he has expertise in several other areas as well.   If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Dressel's experience please contact us and we can send you a CV, project list, etc.   

Dr. Dressel's experience in litigation consulting includes civil cases typically involving third party injury claims, criminal cases, worker's compensation matters including Serious & Willful allegations, OSHA matters involving citations, complaints, appeals, variances etc.    The majority of the the work Dr. Dressel has performed is for defendants but he has represented the prosecutor, plaintiff and has also done some work as an intervenor. 

Dr. Dressel is very skilled and adept at writing defensible and well supported reports, and his extensive experience in research, investigation and analysis assist him in this regard.   Kendon's experience as an instructor, coach, trainer and lecturer have honed his skills in presentation and in educating the various parties involved in the matter and as such he is a skilled deponent and witness.      

